
A log of the disciplinary issues we have dealt with and their resolutions.

Complaint File FY 2018
Complaint # Date Filed Complaint Investigation Final Disposition
(same as 02-FY2016)
12/04/2017 Advertising that she is a Nutritionist - not licensed In Progress
02-FY2018 11/30/2017 Didn't respond to CE audit In Progress

Complaint File FY 2017
Complaint # Date Filed Complaint Investigation Final Disposition
01-FY2017 06/15/2017 Stated working as Nutritionists Licensed nurse practitioner - Within scope of practice Dismissed

Complaint File FY 2016
Complaint # Date Filed Complaint Investigation Final Disposition
01-FY2016 09/04/2016 Article in newspaper that states person is a Dieitian Contacted - Retracted article and no longer advertises as a Dietitian Case Closed
02-FY2016 11/28/2016 Stated in resume that she is a Nutritionist Closed but re-opened by Board as 01-FY2018